Međunarodni vlakovi Hrvatskih željeznica (HŽ-a) | (2024)

Pronađi najpovoljniji smještaj ›
⇣ Pronađi najpovoljnije letove⇣

' + item.desc +', ' + item.countryname + '

' + + '+' + item.alias + '' + item.type + '').data("ui-autocomplete-item", item).appendTo(ul);}});});$(function() {$( ".autocompletes2" ).autocomplete({source: function (request, response) {$.ajax({url: "/php/acmbrodovi.php?lang="+lang,dataType: "json",data: { v1: request.term },success: function (data) {response(data);}});},open: function (event, ui) { focusedlabel2 = ""; focusedid2 = ""; focusedsearchtype2 = "";},focus: function (event, ui) {event.preventDefault();$("#place_2").val( "" );$("#place_2_alt").val( "" );$(this).val(; var menu = $(this).data("uiAutocomplete").menu.element; focusedlabel2 = menu.find("li:has(a.ui-state-focus) .item-label")[0].textContent; focusedid2 = menu.find("li:has(a.ui-state-focus) .item-id")[0].textContent; focusedsearchtype2 = menu.find("li:has(a.ui-state-focus) .item-search-type")[0].textContent;},select: function (event, ui) {event.preventDefault();$(this).val(;$("#" + + "alt").val( + '+' + ui.item.alias);}}).each(function() {$(this).data("uiAutocomplete")._renderItem = function (ul, item) {return $("

  • ").append('

    ' + + '' + item.desc +', ' + item.countryname + '' + + '+' + item.alias + '' + item.type + '

    ').data("ui-autocomplete-item", item).appendTo(ul);}});});}if ( vrsta2 == "cestarine" ) {$(function() {$( ".autocompletes1" ).autocomplete({source: function (request, response) {$.ajax({url: "/php/acmcst.php?lang="+lang,dataType: "json",data: { v1: request.term },success: function (data) {response(data);}});},open: function (event, ui) { focusedlabel1 = ""; focusedid1 = ""; focusedsearchtype1 = "";},focus: function (event, ui) {event.preventDefault();$("#place_1").val( "" );$("#place_1_alt").val( "" );$(this).val(; var menu = $(this).data("uiAutocomplete").menu.element; focusedlabel1 = menu.find("li:has(a.ui-state-focus) .item-label")[0].textContent; focusedid1 = menu.find("li:has(a.ui-state-focus) .item-id")[0].textContent; focusedsearchtype1 = menu.find("li:has(a.ui-state-focus) .item-search-type")[0].textContent;},select: function (event, ui) {event.preventDefault();$(this).val(;$("#" + + "alt").val(ui.item.alias);}}).each(function() {$(this).data("uiAutocomplete")._renderItem = function (ul, item) {return $("

  • ").append('

    ' + + '' + item.alias + '' + item.type + '

    ').data("ui-autocomplete-item", item).appendTo(ul);}});});$(function() {$( ".autocompletes2" ).autocomplete({source: function (request, response) {$.ajax({url: "/php/acmcst.php?lang="+lang,dataType: "json",data: { v1: request.term },success: function (data) {response(data);}});},open: function (event, ui) { focusedlabel2 = ""; focusedid2 = ""; focusedsearchtype2 = "";},focus: function (event, ui) {event.preventDefault();$("#place_2").val( "" );$("#place_2_alt").val( "" );$(this).val(; var menu = $(this).data("uiAutocomplete").menu.element; focusedlabel2 = menu.find("li:has(a.ui-state-focus) .item-label")[0].textContent; focusedid2 = menu.find("li:has(a.ui-state-focus) .item-id")[0].textContent; focusedsearchtype2 = menu.find("li:has(a.ui-state-focus) .item-search-type")[0].textContent;},select: function (event, ui) {event.preventDefault();$(this).val(;$("#" + + "alt").val(ui.item.alias);}}).each(function() {$(this).data("uiAutocomplete")._renderItem = function (ul, item) {return $("

  • ").append('

    ' + + '' + item.alias + '' + item.type + '

    ').data("ui-autocomplete-item", item).appendTo(ul);}});});}if ( vrsta2 == "auto" || vrsta2 == "bus" || vrsta2 == "vlak" ) {$(function() {$( ".autocompletes1" ).autocomplete({source: function (request, response) {$.ajax({url: "/php/acml.php?lang="+lang,dataType: "json",data: { v1: request.term },success: function (data) {response(data);}});},open: function (event, ui) { focusedlabel1 = ""; focusedid1 = ""; focusedsearchtype1 = "";},focus: function (event, ui) {event.preventDefault();$("#place_1").val( "" );$("#place_1_alt").val( "" );$(this).val(; var menu = $(this).data("uiAutocomplete").menu.element; focusedlabel1 = menu.find("li:has(a.ui-state-focus) .item-label")[0].textContent; focusedid1 = menu.find("li:has(a.ui-state-focus) .item-id")[0].textContent; focusedsearchtype1 = menu.find("li:has(a.ui-state-focus) .item-search-type")[0].textContent;},select: function (event, ui) {event.preventDefault();$(this).val(;$('#trazilicaprijevoza').attr( 'data-llp', ui.item.alias);$("#" + + "alt").val(ui.item.alias);}}).each(function() {$(this).data("uiAutocomplete")._renderItem = function (ul, item) {return $("

  • ").append('

    ' + + '' + item.location + '' + item.alias + '' + item.type + '

    ').data("ui-autocomplete-item", item).appendTo(ul);}});});$(function() {$( ".autocompletes2" ).autocomplete({source: function (request, response) {$.ajax({url: "/php/acml.php?lang="+lang,dataType: "json",data: { v1: request.term },success: function (data) {response(data);}});},open: function (event, ui) { focusedlabel2 = ""; focusedid2 = ""; focusedsearchtype2 = "";},focus: function (event, ui) {event.preventDefault();$("#place_2").val( "" );$("#place_2_alt").val( "" );$(this).val(; var menu = $(this).data("uiAutocomplete").menu.element; focusedlabel2 = menu.find("li:has(a.ui-state-focus) .item-label")[0].textContent; focusedid2 = menu.find("li:has(a.ui-state-focus) .item-id")[0].textContent; focusedsearchtype2 = menu.find("li:has(a.ui-state-focus) .item-search-type")[0].textContent;},select: function (event, ui) {event.preventDefault();$(this).val(;$('#trazilicaprijevoza').attr( 'data-lld', ui.item.alias);$("#" + + "alt").val(ui.item.alias);}}).each(function() {$(this).data("uiAutocomplete")._renderItem = function (ul, item) {return $("

  • ").append('

    ' + + '' + item.location + '' + item.alias + '' + item.type + '

    ').data("ui-autocomplete-item", item).appendTo(ul);}});});}if ( vrsta2 == "rent-a-car" ) {$(function() {$( ".autocompletes1" ).autocomplete({source: function (request, response) {$.ajax({url: "/php/acm_car_hire.php?lang="+lang,dataType: "json",data: { v1: request.term },success: function (data) {response(data);}});},open: function (event, ui) { focusedlabel1 = ""; focusedid1 = ""; focusedsearchtype1 = "";},focus: function (event, ui) {event.preventDefault();$("#gacomp11").val( "" );$("#gacomp11alt").val( "" );$(this).val(ui.item.display_name); var menu = $(this).data("uiAutocomplete").menu.element; focusedlabel1 = menu.find("li:has(a.ui-state-focus) .item-label2")[0].textContent; focusedid1 = menu.find("li:has(a.ui-state-focus) .item-id")[0].textContent;},select: function (event, ui) {event.preventDefault();var kratica = ui.item.localised_geo_type;if ( $( '#tab2' ).hasClass( "checked" ) ) {$('#gacomp11').val(ui.item.display_name + ' (' + kratica + ', ' + +')');$('#gacomp11alt').val(ui.item.individual_id);} else {$(this).val(ui.item.display_name + ' (' + kratica + ', ' + +')');$("#" + + "alt").val(ui.item.individual_id);}}}).each(function() {$(this).data("uiAutocomplete")._renderItem = function (ul, item) {var kratica = item.localised_geo_type;return $("

  • ").append('

    ' + item.display_name + '' + kratica + '' + + '' + item.individual_id + '' + item.display_name + ' (' + kratica + ', ' + +')

    ').data("ui-autocomplete-item", item).appendTo(ul);}});});$(function() {$( ".autocompletes2" ).autocomplete({source: function (request, response) {$.ajax({url: "/php/acm_car_hire.php?lang="+lang,dataType: "json",data: { v1: request.term },success: function (data) {response(data);}});},open: function (event, ui) { focusedlabel2 = ""; focusedid2 = ""; focusedsearchtype2 = "";},focus: function (event, ui) {event.preventDefault();$("#gacomp22").val( "" );$("#gacomp22alt").val( "" );$(this).val(ui.item.display_name); var menu = $(this).data("uiAutocomplete").menu.element; focusedlabel2 = menu.find("li:has(a.ui-state-focus) .item-label2")[0].textContent; focusedid2 = menu.find("li:has(a.ui-state-focus) .item-id")[0].textContent;},select: function (event, ui) {event.preventDefault();var kratica = ui.item.localised_geo_type;if ( $( '#tab2' ).hasClass( "checked" ) ) {$('#gacomp22').val(ui.item.display_name + ' (' + kratica + ', ' + +')');$('#gacomp22alt').val(ui.item.individual_id);} else {$(this).val(ui.item.display_name + ' (' + kratica + ', ' + +')');$("#" + + "alt").val(ui.item.individual_id);}}}).each(function() {$(this).data("uiAutocomplete")._renderItem = function (ul, item) {var kratica = item.localised_geo_type;return $("

  • ").append('

    ' + item.display_name + '' + kratica + '' + + '' + item.individual_id + '' + item.display_name + ' (' + kratica + ', ' + +')

    ').data("ui-autocomplete-item", item).appendTo(ul);}});});function istalokacija() {$('#tab2').addClass("checked");$('#cont-return-dest').addClass("hide-element");$('#trazilicaprijevoza .mjesta').removeClass("povratno");$('#trazilicaprijevoza .mjesta').addClass("jednosmjerno");$('#gacomp22').val( $('#gacomp11').val() );$('#gacomp22alt').val( $('#gacomp11alt').val() );}function drugalokacija() {$('#tab2').removeClass("checked");$('#cont-return-dest').removeClass("hide-element");$('#trazilicaprijevoza .mjesta').removeClass("jednosmjerno");$('#trazilicaprijevoza .mjesta').addClass("povratno");$('#drugomjesto').val("false");}$('#tab2').click(function() {if ( $( '#tab2' ).hasClass( "checked" ) ) {drugalokacija();} else {istalokacija();}});}if ( vrsta2 == "avion" ) {$(document).ready(function () {if (lang == "hr") {$( "body" ).append( '

    Odabir određenog datuma

    Ako vas zanima točno određeni nadnevak te želite provjerite trenutačne cijene karata, na kalendaru odaberite željeni datum polaska i, ako se radi o povratnom putovanju, datum dolaska.

    Fleksibilni datumi (pronalazak najpovoljnijih cijena)

    Ako ste fleksibilni oko datuma putovanja, na kalendaru kliknite na \'Cijeli mjesec\' i odaberite željeni mjesec ili odaberite opciju \'Bilo kada\'. Nakon što kliknete na \'Pronađi prijevoz\', učitat će vam se popis najpovoljnijih ponuda koje su pronašli drugi korisnici u proteklih 15 dana. Ponude mogu, ali ne moraju biti aktualne, a trenutačnu cijenu možete provjeriti klikom na cijenu označenu zelenom bojom.

    Zračna luka, grad ili država

    Moguće je pretraživati polaske između zračnih luka, gradova i država. Ako je u pretragu uključena država (npr. Zagreb - Njemačka), moguće je pregledati ponude koje su prethodno pronašli drugi korisnici, dok se za relacije između gradova i zračnih luka može pregledati i najpovoljnije ponude koje su pronašli drugi korisnici, ali i aktualne cijene za određeni dan.

    ' );} else if (lang == "en") {$( "body" ).append( '

    Specific date

    If you are interested in a specific date and want to check the current ticket prices, select the desired departure date and, if you need return ticket, the date of your return flight.

    Flexible dates (finding the best prices)

    If you are flexible about your travel date, on the calendar click \'Whole Month\' and select the month you want, or select \'Any time\'. Once you click \'Find transport\', a list of the best offers found by other users in the past 15 days will be loaded. Offers may, but need not, be current, and you can check the current price by clicking the price highlighted in green color.

    Airport, city or country

    It is possible to search for departures between airports, cities and countries. If a country is included in the search (e. g. Zagreb - Germany), it is possible to browse the offers previously found by other users. For relationships between cities and airports you can also check the best offers found by other users, as well as the current prices for a specific day.

    ' );}$(function() {$( "#dialog" ).dialog({ autoOpen: false}); $( "#tab3" ).click(function() { $( "#dialog" ).dialog( "open" );});});});var vrstadatuma = $ ( '#trazilicaprijevoza' ).attr( 'data-date1' );var vrstadatumapol = $ ( '#trazilicaprijevoza' ).attr( 'data-date1' );var vrstadatumadol = $ ( '#trazilicaprijevoza' ).attr( 'data-date1' );var searchtype = $ ( '#trazilicaprijevoza' ).attr( 'data-date2' );var vrstasmjera = $ ( '#trazilicaprijevoza' ).attr( 'data-dir' );var trip_type = $ ( '#trazilicaprijevoza' ).attr( 'data-ft' );var focusedsearchtype0 = $ ( '#trazilicaprijevoza' ).attr( 'data-fst' );var focusedsearchtypearray = focusedsearchtype0.split('+');var focusedsearchtype1 = focusedsearchtypearray[0];var focusedsearchtype2 = focusedsearchtypearray[1];if ( vrstadatuma == 'dan' ) {datumpolaska1 = $('#date_1').val();datumpolaska2 = $('#date_1_alt').val();if ( vrstasmjera == 'return' ) {datumpovratka1 = $('#date_2').val();datumpovratka2 = $('#date_2_alt').val();}}if ( vrstadatuma == 'mjesec' ) {datamonth1 = $('#date_1_alt').val();datamonth2 = $('#date_1').val();if ( vrstasmjera == 'return' ) {datamonth4 = $('#date_2_alt').val();datamonth5 = $('#date_2').val();}}if ( vrstadatuma == 'anytime' ) {datamonth1 = $('#date_1_alt').val();datamonth2 = $('#date_1').val();if ( vrstasmjera == 'return' ) {datamonth4 = $('#date_2_alt').val();datamonth5 = $('#date_2').val();}}if (trip_type == "one_way") { jednosmjerno();}if (trip_type == "return") { povratno();}function next12months() { var now = new Date(); var month1 = now.getMonth(); var year = now.getFullYear();if (lang == "hr") { var names = ['Siječanj', 'Veljača', 'Ožujak', 'Travanj', 'Svibanj', 'Lipanj', 'Srpanj', 'Kolovoz', 'Rujan', 'Listopad', 'Studeni', 'Prosinac'];} else if (lang == "en") { var names = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'];} else if (lang == "de") { var names = ['Januar', 'Februar', 'März', 'April', 'Mai', 'Juni', 'Juli', 'August', 'September', 'Oktober', 'November', 'Dezember'];} var res = []; for (var i = 0; i < 13; ++i) { var month2 = month1 + 1;if ( month2 < 10 ) {month2 = month1 + 1;month2 = '0' + month2;} res.push('

    ' + names[month1] + ' ' + year + '.

    '); if (++month1 === 12) { month1 = 0; ++year; } } return '

    ' + res + '

    ';}function listmonths() {$("#ui-datepicker-div .ui-datepicker-header").addClass("hide-element");$("#ui-datepicker-div .ui-datepicker-calendar").addClass("hide-element");$("#ui-datepicker-div .anytime.anytime-1").addClass("hide-element");$( ".list-months" ).addClass("hide-element");$( ".list-dates" ).removeClass("hide-element");$("#ui-datepicker-div .months12").removeClass("hide-element");$("#ui-datepicker-div .anytime.anytime-2").removeClass("hide-element");}function listdates() {$("#ui-datepicker-div .ui-datepicker-header").removeClass("hide-element");$("#ui-datepicker-div .ui-datepicker-calendar").removeClass("hide-element");$("#ui-datepicker-div .anytime.anytime-2").addClass("hide-element");$( ".list-months" ).removeClass("hide-element");$( ".list-dates" ).addClass("hide-element");$("#ui-datepicker-div .months12").addClass("hide-element");$("#ui-datepicker-div .anytime.anytime-1").removeClass("hide-element");}function jednosmjerno() { $('#tab2').removeClass("checked"); $('#tab1').addClass("checked");$("#date_2").val("");$("#date_2_alt").val("");vrstasmjera = 'one_way';$("#trip_type").val("one_way");}function povratno() { $('#tab1').removeClass("checked"); $('#tab2').addClass("checked");// Za vrstu datuma = danif ( vrstadatuma == 'dan' ) {if ( vrstadatumapol == 'dan' && vrstadatumadol == 'dan' && typeof datumpovratka1 == 'undefined' ) {datumpovratka1 = datumpolaska1;datumpovratka2 = datumpolaska2;$("#date_2").val(datumpovratka1);$("#date_2_alt").val(datumpovratka2);}if ( vrstadatumapol == 'dan' && vrstadatumadol == 'mjesec' || vrstadatumapol == 'dan' && vrstadatumadol == 'anytime' ) {datumpovratka1 = datumpolaska1;datumpovratka2 = datumpolaska2;$("#date_2").val(datumpovratka1);$("#date_2_alt").val(datumpovratka2);}if ( vrstadatumapol == 'mjesec' && vrstadatumadol == 'dan' || vrstadatumapol == 'anytime' && vrstadatumadol == 'dan' ) {datumpolaska1 = datumpovratka1;datumpolaska2 = datumpovratka2;$("#date_1").val(datumpolaska1);$("#date_1_alt").val(datumpolaska2);}if ( typeof datumpolaska1 == 'undefined' && typeof datumpolaska2 == 'undefined' ) {datumpolaska1 = $('#date_1').val();datumpolaska2 = $('#date_1_alt').val();}if ( typeof datumpovratka1 != 'undefined' && typeof datumpovratka2 != 'undefined' ) {// Je li datum polaska veci od datuma dolaska?if ( datumpolaska2 > datumpovratka2 ) {$("#date_2").val(datumpolaska1);$("#date_2_alt").val(datumpolaska2);} else {$("#date_2").val(datumpovratka1);$("#date_2_alt").val(datumpovratka2);}}}if ( vrstadatuma == 'mjesec' ) {if ( vrstadatumapol == 'dan' && vrstadatumadol == 'mjesec' ) {datamonth1 = datamonth4;datamonth2 = datamonth5;$("#date_1").val(datamonth2);$("#date_1_alt").val(datamonth1);}if ( vrstadatumapol == 'mjesec' && vrstadatumadol == 'dan' ) {datamonth4 = datamonth1;datamonth5 = datamonth2;$("#date_2").val(datamonth5);$("#date_2_alt").val(datamonth4);}if ( typeof datamonth1 != 'undefined' && typeof datamonth4 == 'undefined' ) {datamonth4 = datamonth1;datamonth5 = datamonth2;}if ( typeof vrstaklika == 'undefined' ) {vrstaklika = 'polazak';}if ( typeof datamonth1 == 'undefined' && typeof datamonth4 != 'undefined' ) {datamonth1 = datamonth4;datamonth2 = datamonth5;}if ( datamonth1 == 'anytime' && datamonth4 != 'anytime' ) {datamonth1 = datamonth4;datamonth2 = datamonth5;$("#date_1").val( datamonth5 );$("#date_1_alt").val( datamonth4 );}if ( datamonth1 != 'anytime' && datamonth4 == 'anytime' ) {datamonth4 = datamonth1;datamonth5 = datamonth2;$("#date_2").val( datamonth2 );$("#date_2_alt").val( datamonth1 );}if ( vrstaklika == 'polazak' ) {if ( datamonth1 > datamonth4 ) {$("#date_2").val( datamonth2 );$("#date_2_alt").val( datamonth1 );}}if ( vrstaklika == 'povratak' ) {if ( datamonth4 < datamonth1 ) {$("#date_1").val( datamonth5 );$("#date_1_alt").val( datamonth4 );}}if ($.trim($("#date_2_alt").val()) == "" ) {$("#date_2").val( datamonth5 );$("#date_2_alt").val( datamonth4 );}}if ( vrstadatuma == 'anytime' ) {$("#date_1").val( prijevodanytime );$("#date_1_alt").val( 'anytime' );$("#date_2").val( prijevodanytime );$("#date_2_alt").val( 'anytime' );}vrstasmjera = 'return';$("#trip_type").val("return");}function selectanytime() {vrstadatuma = 'anytime';$("#date_1").val( prijevodanytime );$("#date_1_alt").val( 'anytime' );$("#date_1").datepicker("hide");if ( vrstasmjera == 'return' ) {$("#date_2").val( prijevodanytime );$("#date_2_alt").val( 'anytime' );$("#date_2").datepicker("hide");}}months12 = '

    ' + next12months() + '

    ' + prijevoddate + '

    ' + prijevodanytime + '

    ';months12 = months12.replace(/\,/g, "");$( "#date_1" ).datepicker({dateFormat: "dd. mm. yy.",defaultDate: "+1w",changeMonth: true,showOtherMonths: true,selectOtherMonths: true,numberOfMonths: 1,minDate: "0",maxDate: "+1y",altField: "#date_1_alt",altFormat: "yy-mm-dd",onSelect: function( selectedDate ) {vrstadatuma = 'dan';vrstadatumapol = 'dan';$( "#date_2" ).datepicker( "option", "minDate", selectedDate );datumpolaska1 = $("#date_1").datepicker({ dateFormat: "dd. mm. yy." }).val();datumpolaska2 = $("#date_1_alt").datepicker({ dateFormat: "yy-mm-dd" }).val();if ( vrstasmjera == 'return' ) {povratno();}}});$('#date_1').focus(function() {if ($ ( '#ui-datepicker-div' ).find( '.list-months' ).length != 0) {} else {$( '#ui-datepicker-div' ).append( '

    ' + prijevodmonth + '

    ' + prijevodanytime + '

    ' );}if ($ ( '#ui-datepicker-div' ).find( '.months12' ).length != 0) {} else {$( '#ui-datepicker-div' ).append( months12 );}$('.list-months').click(function() {listmonths();});$('.list-dates').click(function() {listdates();});$ ( '.months12-month' ).click(function() {vrstadatuma = 'mjesec';vrstadatumapol = 'mjesec';vrstaklika = 'polazak';datamonth1 = $ ( this ).attr( 'data-month1' );datamonth2 = $ ( this ).attr( 'data-month2' );$("#date_1").val( datamonth2 );$("#date_1_alt").val( datamonth1 );$("#date_1").datepicker("hide");if ( vrstasmjera == 'return' ) {povratno();}});$ ( '.anytime-1' ).click(function() {selectanytime();});$ ( '.anytime-2' ).click(function() {selectanytime();});});$( "#date_2" ).datepicker({dateFormat: "dd. mm. yy.",defaultDate: "+2w",changeMonth: true,showOtherMonths: true,selectOtherMonths: true,numberOfMonths: 1,minDate: "0",maxDate: "+1y",altField: "#date_2_alt",altFormat: "yy-mm-dd",onSelect: function( selectedDate ) {vrstadatuma = 'dan';vrstadatumadol = 'dan';datumpovratka1 = $("#date_2").datepicker({ dateFormat: "dd. mm. yy." }).val();datumpovratka2 = $("#date_2_alt").datepicker({ dateFormat: "yy-mm-dd" }).val();povratno();}});if ($.trim($("#date_1").val()) == "" ) {vrstadatuma = 'dan';$("#date_1").datepicker("setDate", "7");datumpolaska1 = $("#date_1").datepicker({ dateFormat: "dd. mm. yy." }).val();datumpolaska2 = $("#date_1_alt").datepicker({ dateFormat: "yy-mm-dd" }).val();$("#date_2").datepicker("setDate", "14");datumpovratka1 = $("#date_2").datepicker({ dateFormat: "dd. mm. yy." }).val();datumpovratka2 = $("#date_2_alt").datepicker({ dateFormat: "yy-mm-dd" }).val();}$('#date_2').focus(function() {if ($ ( '#ui-datepicker-div' ).find( '.list-months' ).length != 0) {} else {$( '#ui-datepicker-div' ).append( '

    ' + prijevodmonth + '

    ' + prijevodanytime + '

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    ' + appdata.prijevod_ponudene_rute + '

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      ', { return '
    1. ' + maneuver.instruction + '
    2. '; }).join(''),'

    '].join('');};render(routes);}function onRouteSelection(selectedRoute) {route = selectedRoute.route;$('#trazilicaprijevoza').attr( 'data-pud', route.summary.distance);var pud = $ ( '#trazilicaprijevoza' ).attr( 'data-pud' );calculate3(pud);var routeLineStyles = {normal: { strokeColor: 'rgba(119, 119, 119, 0.5)', lineWidth: 5 },selected: { strokeColor: 'rgba(60, 143, 255, 1)', lineWidth: 5 }};selectedRoute.routeLine.setStyle(routeLineStyles.normal).setZIndex(1);if (selectedRoute) {selectedRoute.routeLine.setStyle(routeLineStyles.selected).setZIndex(10);}map.setViewBounds(selectedRoute.routeLine.getBounds(), true);addManueversToPanel(route);};if (appdata.izbjegavaj_cestarine === 'ne'){function calculateRoute (platform) {var router = platform.getRoutingService(),routeOptions = {mode: 'fastest;car',representation: 'display',alternatives: '3',routeattributes : 'waypoints,summary,shape,legs',maneuverattributes: 'direction,action',waypoint0: coord_dep,waypoint1: coord_arr};router.calculateRoute(routeOptions, onSuccess, onError);}}if (appdata.izbjegavaj_cestarine === 'da'){function calculateRoute (platform) {var router = platform.getRoutingService(),routeOptions = {mode: 'fastest;car;motorway:-3',representation: 'display',alternatives: '3',routeattributes : 'waypoints,summary,shape,legs',maneuverattributes: 'direction,action',waypoint0: coord_dep,waypoint1: coord_arr};router.calculateRoute(routeOptions, onSuccess, onError);}}function onSuccess(result) {//console.log(result);if (result.response.route) {var routeLineGroup = new;var count = 0;var routes = {count++;if ( count === 1 ) {var routeLine = addRouteShapeToMap1(route);} else {var routeLine = addRouteShapeToMap(route);} routeLineGroup.addObject(routeLine); return { route: route, routeLine: routeLine };});map.addObject(routeLineGroup);map.setViewBounds(routeLineGroup.getBounds());this.routePanel = new HERERoutesPanel(routes, { onRouteSelection: onRouteSelection });}var routestart = result.response.route[0];$('#trazilicaprijevoza').attr( 'data-pud', routestart.summary.distance);var pud = $ ( '#trazilicaprijevoza' ).attr( 'data-pud' );calculate3(pud);//addRouteShapeToMap(routestart);addManueversToMap(routestart);addWaypointsToPanel(routestart.waypoint);addManueversToPanel(routestart);}function onError(error) {alert('Ne možemo prikazati kartu / upute koje ste zatražili. Ako mislite da se radi o pogrešci u radu sustava, molimo vas kontaktirajte nas.');}var mapContainer = document.getElementById('map');var routeInstructionsContainer = document.getElementById('directions-panel');var platform = new H.service.Platform({app_id: 'lKBYFHRiaxleWuRC0Qko',app_code: 'cmUHHV3rMfk7tqbdx9LE8w',useCIT: true,useHTTPS: true});var pixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1;var defaultLayers = platform.createDefaultLayers({tileSize: pixelRatio === 1 ? 256 : 512,ppi: pixelRatio === 1 ? undefined : 320});var mapOptions = {center: {lat:45.1, lng:15.2},zoom: 13,pixelRatio: pixelRatio};var map = new H.Map(mapContainer,,mapOptions);var behavior = new H.mapevents.Behavior(new H.mapevents.MapEvents(map));var ui = H.ui.UI.createDefault(map, defaultLayers);var mapSettings = ui.getControl('mapsettings');var zoom = ui.getControl('zoom');var scalebar = ui.getControl('scalebar');mapSettings.setAlignment('top-right');zoom.setAlignment('bottom-right');scalebar.setAlignment('bottom-right');var bubble;function openBubble(position, text){ if(!bubble){bubble = new H.ui.InfoBubble(position,{content: text});ui.addBubble(bubble);} else {bubble.setPosition(position);bubble.setContent(text);;}}function addRouteShapeToMap1(route){var lineString = new H.geo.LineString(),routeShape = route.shape,polyline;routeShape.forEach(function(point) {var parts = point.split(',');lineString.pushLatLngAlt(parts[0], parts[1]);});polyline = new, {style: {lineWidth: 5,strokeColor: 'rgba(60, 143, 255, 1)'},arrows: { fillColor: 'black', frequency: 4, width: 2, length: 2 }});map.addObject(polyline);map.setViewBounds(polyline.getBounds(), true);return polyline.setZIndex(10);}function addRouteShapeToMap(route){var lineString = new H.geo.LineString(),routeShape = route.shape,polyline;routeShape.forEach(function(point) {var parts = point.split(',');lineString.pushLatLngAlt(parts[0], parts[1]);});polyline = new, {style: {lineWidth: 5,strokeColor: 'rgba(119, 119, 119, 0.5)'},arrows: { fillColor: 'black', frequency: 4, width: 2, length: 2 }});map.addObject(polyline);map.setViewBounds(polyline.getBounds(), true);return polyline;}function addManueversToMap(route){var svgMarkup = '

    ',dotIcon = new, {anchor: {x:8, y:8}}),group = new,i,j;for (i = 0; i < route.leg.length; i += 1) {for (j = 0; j < route.leg[i].maneuver.length; j += 1) {maneuver = route.leg[i].maneuver[j];var marker = new{ lat: maneuver.position.latitude, lng: maneuver.position.longitude} , {icon: dotIcon});marker.instruction = maneuver.instruction;group.addObject(marker);}}group.addEventListener('tap', function (evt) {map.setCenter(;openBubble(,;}, false);map.addObject(group);}function addWaypointsToPanel(waypoints){var nodeH3 = document.createElement('h3'),waypointLabels = [],i; for (i = 0; i < waypoints.length; i += 1) {waypointLabels.push(waypoints[i].label) } nodeH3.textContent = waypointLabels.join(' -> ');routeInstructionsContainer.innerHTML = '';//routeInstructionsContainer.appendChild(nodeH3);}function addManueversToPanel(route){$("#loadingmessage1").remove();var nodeOL = document.createElement('ol'),i,j; ='30px'; ='30px';nodeOL.className = 'directions';for (i = 0; i < route.leg.length; i += 1) {for (j = 0; j < route.leg[i].maneuver.length; j += 1) {maneuver = route.leg[i].maneuver[j];var li = document.createElement('li'), spanArrow = document.createElement('span'), spanInstruction = document.createElement('span');spanArrow.className = 'arrow ' + maneuver.action;spanInstruction.innerHTML = maneuver.instruction;li.appendChild(spanArrow);li.appendChild(spanInstruction);nodeOL.appendChild(li);}}routeInstructionsContainer.innerHTML = "";routeInstructionsContainer.appendChild(nodeOL);}calculateRoute (platform);}});}}function ga_event( lbl ) {if( && ga.create) {ga('send', 'event', {eventCategory: 'Letovi',eventAction: 'Search',eventLabel: lbl,transport: 'beacon'}); } else { //console.log(0); }}if (lang == "hr") {if (vrsta2 == "avion") {$( "#button-trazi" ).click(function() {if ( $.trim($('#place_1').val()) != '' && $.trim($('#place_2').val()) != '' && $.trim($('#date_1').val()) != '' ) {if ( $.trim($('#place_1').val()) == $.trim($('#place_2').val()) || 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polja');}}});}} else if (lang == "en") {if ( vrsta2 == "avion") {$( "#button-trazi" ).click(function() {if($.trim($('#place_1').val()) != '' && $.trim($('#place_2').val()) != '' && $.trim($('#date_1').val()) != '' ){if ( $.trim($('#place_1').val()) == $.trim($('#place_2').val()) || $.trim($('#place_1_alt').val()) == $.trim($('#place_2_alt').val()) ) {alert ('Please select different places of departure and arrival.');return false;}if ( $.trim($('#place_1_alt').val()) == "" || $.trim($('#place_2_alt').val()) == "" ) {alert ('Please select places of departure and arrival.');return false;}if( vrstadatuma == 'dan' && focusedsearchtype1 == 'search' && focusedsearchtype2 == 'search' ){if($.trim($('#place_1_alt').val()) != $.trim($('#place_2_alt').val()) ){var place_1_alt = $('#place_1_alt').val();var place_2_alt = $('#place_2_alt').val();var place_1_altarray = place_1_alt.split('+');var id1 = place_1_altarray[0];var place_2_altarray = place_2_alt.split('+');var id2 = 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and date of departure.');}});}if ( vrsta2 == "cestarine") {$( "#button-trazi" ).click(function() {if ( $.trim($('#place_1').val()) != '' && $.trim($('#place_2').val()) != '' ) {if ( $.trim($('#place_1').val()) == $.trim($('#place_2').val()) || $.trim($('#place_1_alt').val()) == $.trim($('#place_2_alt').val()) ) {if ( $.trim($('#place_1').val()) == 'Krk bridge' && $.trim($('#place_2').val()) == 'Krk bridge' ) {} else {alert ('Please select different places of departure and arrival.');return false;}}if ( $.trim($('#place_1_alt').val()) == "" || $.trim($('#place_2_alt').val()) == "" ) {alert ('Please select places of departure and arrival.');return false;}var place_1_alt = $('#place_1_alt').val().toLowerCase();var place_2_alt = $('#place_2_alt').val().toLowerCase();var alias1 = place_1_alt;var alias2 = place_2_alt;document.getElementById('trazilicaprijevoza').action = '' + alias1 + '/' + alias2 + '/toll-' + alias1 + '-' + alias2 + '-price'$( "#trazilicaprijevoza" ).submit();} else {alert ('Please fill in at least these fields: place of departure and destination.');}});}if ( vrsta2 == "auto" || vrsta2 == "bus" || vrsta2 == "vlak" ) {$( "#button-trazi" ).click(function() {if ( $.trim($('#place_1_alt').val()) == $.trim($('#place_2_alt').val()) ) {alert ('Please select different places of departure and arrival.');return false;}if ( $.trim($('#place_1_alt').val()) == "" || $.trim($('#place_2_alt').val()) == "" ) {alert ('Please select places of departure and arrival.');return false;}if ( vrsta2 == "auto" ) {if( $.trim($('#place_1_alt').val()) != '' && $.trim($('#place_2_alt').val()) != '' ){document.getElementById('trazilicaprijevoza').action = '' + $('#place_1_alt').val() + '/' + $('#place_2_alt').val() + '/route-planner-' + $('#place_1_alt').val() + '-' + $('#place_2_alt').val() + '-distance-fuel-price'$( "#trazilicaprijevoza" ).submit();} else {alert ('Please fill in all the fields');}} else {if($.trim($('#place_1_alt').val()) != '' && $.trim($('#place_2_alt').val()) != '' && $.trim($('#date_1').val()) != '' ){if ( vrsta2 == "bus" ) {document.getElementById('trazilicaprijevoza').action = '' + $('#place_1_alt').val() + '/' + $('#place_2_alt').val() + '/bus-' + $('#place_1_alt').val() + '-' + $('#place_2_alt').val() + '-timetable-price'$( "#trazilicaprijevoza" ).submit();}if ( vrsta2 == "vlak" ) {document.getElementById('trazilicaprijevoza').action = '' + $('#place_1_alt').val() + '/' + $('#place_2_alt').val() + '/train-' + $('#place_1_alt').val() + '-' + $('#place_2_alt').val() + '-timetable-price'$( "#trazilicaprijevoza" ).submit();}} else {alert ('Please fill in all the fields');}}});}}if (lang !== "hr") {if ( vrsta2 == "brod") {$( "#button-trazi" ).click(function() {if ( $.trim($('#place_1').val()) != '' && $.trim($('#place_2').val()) != '' && $.trim($('#date_1').val()) != '' ) {if ( $.trim($('#place_1').val()) == $.trim($('#place_2').val()) || $.trim($('#place_1_alt').val()) == $.trim($('#place_2_alt').val()) ) {alert (err_2);return false;}if ( $.trim($('#place_1_alt').val()) == "" || $.trim($('#place_2_alt').val()) == "" ) {alert (err_1);return false;}var place_1_alt = $('#place_1_alt').val().toLowerCase();var place_2_alt = $('#place_2_alt').val().toLowerCase();var place_1_altarray = place_1_alt.split('+');var id1 = place_1_altarray[0];var alias1 = place_1_altarray[1];var place_2_altarray = place_2_alt.split('+');var id2 = place_2_altarray[0];var alias2 = place_2_altarray[1];document.getElementById('trazilicaprijevoza').action = '' + lang + '/' + tr_cat + '/' + alias1 + '/' + alias2 + '/' + tr_types + '-' + alias1 + '-' + alias2 + '-' + tr_ttpr;$( "#trazilicaprijevoza" ).submit();} else {alert (err_3 + ': ' + field_1 + ', ' + field_2 + ', ' + field_3 + '.');}});}if ( vrsta2 == "rent-a-car") {$( "#button-trazi" ).click(function() {if ( $( '#tab2' ).hasClass( "checked" ) ) {if($.trim($('#gacomp11alt').val()) != '' && $.trim($('#d1').val()) != '' && $.trim($('#d2').val()) != '' ){'/ponude/ponuda?t=r1&i1=' + document.getElementById('gacomp11alt').value + '&i2=' + document.getElementById('gacomp11alt').value+ '&d1=' + document.getElementById('d1alt').value + '&d2=' + document.getElementById('d2alt').value + '&chpt=' + document.getElementById('vrijeme1').value + '&chdot=' + document.getElementById('vrijeme2').value + '&chag=' + '25-70', '_blank');} else {alert('Please fill in at least these fields: pick-up location, drop-off location (if different than pick-up location), pick-up date and drop-off date.');}}else {if($.trim($('#gacomp11alt').val()) != '' && $.trim($('#gacomp22').val()) != '' && $.trim($('#d1').val()) != '' && $.trim($('#d2').val()) != '' ){'/ponude/ponuda?t=r1&i1=' + document.getElementById('gacomp11alt').value + '&i2=' + document.getElementById('gacomp22alt').value+ '&d1=' + document.getElementById('d1alt').value + '&d2=' + document.getElementById('d2alt').value + '&chpt=' + document.getElementById('vrijeme1').value + '&chdot=' + document.getElementById('vrijeme2').value + '&chag=' + '25-70', '_blank');} else {alert('Please fill in at least these fields: pick-up location, drop-off location (if different than pick-up location), pick-up date and drop-off date.');}}});}}$(window).load(function(){initMap1();$(".swap").click(function () {if ( $('#place_2_alt').val().indexOf(tr_anywhere) > -1 ) {if (lang == "hr") {alert ('\'Bilo kamo\' može biti odabrano samo kao odredište, ali ne i kao polazno mjesto.');} else if (lang === "de") {alert ('\'Irgendwo\' kann nur als Ziel ausgewählt werden und kann nicht als Abfahrtsort ausgewählt werden');}else if (lang === "it") {alert ('\'Dovunque\' può essere selezionato solo come destinazione e non può essere selezionato come luogo di partenza.');}else if (lang === "pl") {alert ('\'Gdziekolwiek\' można wybrać tylko jako miejsce docelowe i nie można go wybrać jako miejsca wyjazdu.');}else if (lang === "sl") {alert ('\'Kamor koli\' izberete lahko le kot destinacijo, ampak ne kot mesto odhoda.');}else {alert ('\'Anywhere\' can be selected only as the destination and it can\'t be selected as the place of departure.');}return false;} else {$('#place_1').val([$('#place_2').val(), $('#place_2').val($('#place_1').val())][0])$('#place_1_alt').val([$('#place_2_alt').val(), $('#place_2_alt').val($('#place_1_alt').val())][0])$('#coord_dep').val([$('#coord_arr').val(), $('#coord_arr').val($('#coord_dep').val())][0])}});});}

  • Međunarodni vlakovi Hrvatskih željeznica (HŽ-a) | (2024)


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    Article information

    Author: Moshe Kshlerin

    Last Updated:

    Views: 5379

    Rating: 4.7 / 5 (77 voted)

    Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Moshe Kshlerin

    Birthday: 1994-01-25

    Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

    Phone: +2424755286529

    Job: District Education Designer

    Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

    Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.