Craigslist Boxer Puppies (2024)

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  • for sale · Boxer puppies 1. ••••••••. Boxer puppies. 8/17·Redondo beach. $1,500 hide · AKC BOXER PUPPIES 1. •. AKC BOXER PUPPIES. 8/9·Los Angeles. $1 hide.

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2. los angeles for sale "boxer puppies" - craigslist

  • for sale · Boxer puppies 1. ••••••••. Boxer puppies. 8/17·Redondo beach · AKC BOXER PUPPIES 1. •. AKC BOXER PUPPIES. 8/9·Los Angeles · Boxer + German Shepard ...

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3. inland empire for sale by owner "boxer puppies" - craigslist

  • for sale · Boxer puppies. Purebred. Excellent bloodlines 1 · boxer puppies 1. ••. boxer puppies · Boxer puppies 1. •••••••. Boxer puppies · AKC Boxer Puppies ( ...

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5. inland empire general for sale "boxer" - craigslist

  • CuTe boxer puppy Need home!!! 8/12·. $600 hide. Loving boxer puppies!! 1. •. Loving boxer puppies!! 8/12·. $600 hide. Beautiful boxer puppies!!! 1.

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  • Sweet 9 month old female Boxer. 8/16 hide. Reno. Brindle boxer mix. 8/15 hide. Bakersfield. 8 week old boxer pups. 8/12 hide. Ukiah.

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  • Boxer puppies. Purebred. Excellent bloodlines. 6h ago·Los Angeles. $300 hide. Rehoming boxer dog male 1. •••••••. Rehoming boxer dog male. 7/7·South Gate.

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9. inland empire for sale "boxer puppies" - craigslist

  • for sale · AKC boxer puppies 1. ••••••. AKC boxer puppies. 8/17·Norco. $1,800 hide · White boxer puppies 1. •••••••••••. White boxer puppies. 8/9·. $1 hide.

  • inland empire for sale "boxer puppies" - craigslist

10. los angeles pets "boxer puppies" - Craigslist

  • West athens. Male Boxers. 7/23 ; Point Loma area. A.K.C. Boxer Puppies. 8/4 ; city of san diego. Boxer Puppies. 8/1 ; Riverside. Full Breed Boxer Puppies. 7/31

  • los angeles pets "boxer puppies" - craigslist

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  • inland empire farm & garden "boxer puppies" - craigslist.

  • inland empire farm & garden "boxer puppies" - craigslist

12. los angeles general for sale "boxer" - craigslist

  • Boxer stud 1 Boxer stud. 8/9·san fernando valley. $400 hide · Boxer puppies 1 Boxer puppies. 7/17·Redondo beach. $2,300 hide.

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  • inland empire general for sale - by owner "boxer puppies" - craigslist.

  • inland empire general for sale - by owner "boxer puppies" - craigslist

Craigslist Boxer Puppies (2024)


What two dogs make a Boxer? ›

Boxers are descendants of extinct bullenbaiser breeds crossed with mastiff, bulldog and possibly Great Dane and even a terrier.

What is the average number of Boxer puppies? ›

The average size litter for boxer dogs is five to seven puppies. One of the puppies died after birth and another is very sick.

Why are Boxer dogs so needy? ›

Due to their loyal natures, Boxers can be prone to separation anxiety so are usually happiest in households where someone will be around most of the day. If you do have to leave your dog alone for a few hours, make sure they have plenty of toys to keep them busy or have someone check in on them.

Are Boxers one of the smartest dogs? ›

Early socialization and puppy training classes are vital in channeling the breed's energy and exuberance in a positive way. Boxers are highly intelligent, but can become bored with repetition. They tend to have a mind of their own and are excellent problem solvers.

What is the lifespan of a male Boxer dog? ›

The typical Boxer lifespan is 10–12 years. They are a brachycephalic (flat-faced) breed, meaning that—along with the health issues listed below—they are prone to overheating and breathing issues.

Is Boxer an aggressive dog breed? ›

Although boxers are not typically an aggressive breed, their enthusiasm and forwardness can escalate into reactive behavior or can trigger undesired responses from other dogs who do not understand them. Boxers are strong, can be stubborn, and can pull hard on their leash if they want something!

At what age is a Boxer full grown? ›

At what age is a Boxer full grown? As a medium to large-sized dog breed, Boxers need more time to fill out and reach their full size than smaller dog breeds. As a general rule, expect your Boxer to grow until they are 18 to 24 months old. Keep in mind that this range is an estimate, so there are always exceptions.

Why do Boxer dogs paw at you? ›

Pawing means affection

Depending on the context, it's feasible that a dog putting their paw on a person is a way to express affection or offer comfort. If you are petting your dog or sitting close and enjoying your bonding time, a paw likely means your dog reciprocating the love.

What age do Boxer dogs slow down? ›

This breed tends to have trouble with hip and knee joints as he ages. And once a Boxer hits the 8 or 9 year mark and has transitioned into a senior, there is a gradual yet steady loss of muscle mass.

Why do Boxer dogs have a bad reputation? ›

However, Boxers can also show a vicious streak and can be trained to attack. They are excellent watchdogs, but their protective nature can sometimes cause them to show unwanted aggression. A Boxer dog bite can do a lot of damage due to that strong underbite jaw.

What are bad habits of Boxer dogs? ›

Though most Boxer dogs are fine with other family pets, including the family cat, quite a few Boxers are dominant or aggressive toward other dogs of the same sex, and some are cat chasers. Boxers need consistent leadership. Their heritage, after all, is that of a strong-minded working dog.

Do Boxers get attached to one person? ›

Boxers are known for their affectionate natures and their tendency to bond firmly with their human families. Because they feel this connection so deeply, they tend to need your attention more intensely than some other breeds.

Are Boxers messy dogs? ›

Some Boxers are messy eaters. You may find more kibble on the floor around their bowls, stuck to the wall, or caught in their jowls, than what actually made it into their tummies.

What dog has the highest IQ? ›

This list of smartest dog breeds is based on numerous studies done to test the intelligence of dogs.
  • Number 5: Golden Retriever.
  • Number 4: Australian Shepherd.
  • Number 3: Poodle.
  • Number 2: German Shepherd.
  • Number 1: Border Collie.

Are Boxers the most cuddly dogs? ›

A boxer is a champion snuggler. In fact, many owners report that their boxer loves to be held like a baby.

What breeds were used to make Boxers? ›

The Boxer was bred from the Old English Bulldog and the now extinct Bullenbeisser, which became extinct by crossbreeding rather than by a decadence of the breed. The Boxer is a member of both The Kennel Club and American Kennel Club (AKC) Working Group.

Are Boxers a type of pitbull? ›

Are Pitbulls related to Boxers? - Quora. Not super closely related, but certainly related. The Boxer is a molessor family breed of dog descended from mastiff-type Roman war dogs that swept across Europe a few thousand years ago.

Where did the Boxer breed come from? ›

Bred for hunting and working, the Boxer is a distinct breed that originated in Germany in the late 19th century. A member of the bull breeds, Boxers haven't been around long, but characteristics of Boxers have been represented on tapestries that date as far back as the 16th century.

What breed is closest to a Boxer? ›

10 Dog Breeds Similar to Boxers
  1. American Bulldog. The American Bulldog shares the Boxer's muscular build and strong sense of loyalty. ...
  2. Bullmastiff. ...
  3. Pit Bull Terrier. ...
  4. Rhodesian Ridgeback. ...
  5. Rottweiler. ...
  6. Doberman Pinscher. ...
  7. Great Dane. ...
  8. Cane Corso.
Feb 19, 2024


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