Can I use "Here is my paradise" to mean "This place is paradise."? I want to know that I can use the word "here" as a Subject. And what about "This is paradise here. "? Thanks for reading. (2025)


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10 Jun 2015

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Can I use "Here is my paradise" to mean "This place is paradise."? I want to know that I can use the word "here" as a Subject. And what about "This is paradise here. "? Thanks for reading. (2)

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10 Jun 2015

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Yes, you can.
You would have to be at the place or be showing a picture of the place to say "Here is my paradise" or "This is paradise here," though the second one is less natural.

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Can I use "Here is my paradise" to mean "This place is paradise."? I want to know that I can use the word "here" as a Subject. And what about "This is paradise here. "? Thanks for reading. (4)

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13 Okt 2020

  • Englisch (US)

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this is paradise here can be translated as this is the paradise or this is paradise

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Can I use "Here is my paradise" to mean "This place is paradise."? I want to know that I can use the word "here" as a Subject. And what about "This is paradise here. "? Thanks for reading. (11)

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Can I use "Here is my paradise" to mean "This place is paradise."? I want to know that I can use the word "here" as a Subject. And what about "This is paradise here. "? Thanks for reading. (18)

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Can I use "Here is my paradise" to mean "This place is paradise."? I want to know that I can use the word "here" as a Subject. And what about "This is paradise here. "? Thanks for reading. (19)Was ist dieses Symbol?

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Can I use "Here is my paradise" to mean "This place is paradise."? I want to know that I can use the word "here" as a Subject. And what about "This is paradise here. "? Thanks for reading. (20)

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Can I use "Here is my paradise" to mean "This place is paradise."? I want to know that I can use the word "here" as a Subject. And what about "This is paradise here. "? Thanks for reading. (21)

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Can I use "Here is my paradise" to mean "This place is paradise."? I want to know that I can use the word "here" as a Subject. And what about "This is paradise here. "? Thanks for reading. (2025)


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