All Fighting Styles in Roblox Arcane Odyssey (2025)

Roblox Arcane Odyssey will have you going on a magical journey that spans across a large archipelago. As you explore and journey, you’ll be faced with dangers and enemies, most of which you’ll have to fight your way out of. There are quite a few fighting styles to help you in combat in a pinch. Here are all of the fighting styles in Arcane Odyssey.

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Every fighting style in Arcane Odyssey

Below is every fighting style in Arcane Odyssey, how to get them, and a little about what they

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Common fighting styles in Arcane Odyssey

  • Basic Combat – All players will begin with Basic Combat. It can be retaught to players by a mentor on Whitesummit for 20 galleons if their strength stat is 30+. Best described as an ‘all-rounder’, the Basic Combat style will have players using a combination of punches and kicks to deal with any situation. Whilst not particularly a great fighting style, its mastery can allow players to dynamically face opponents comfortably.
  • Boxing – Boxing can be taught to players by a mentor in the Goso Jungle for 200 galleons if their strength stat is 30+. The Boxing fighting style utilizes power and speed to throw staggering quick attacks. Mostly short range, this fighting style is for those who want to send their opponents reeling backwards from a swift jab or two.
  • Cannon Fist – Cannon Fist can be taught to players by a mentor in Palo Town for 300 galleons if their strength stat is 80+. Believe me, you’ll need the strength for this fighting style as it consists of you using literal cannon balls to attack with. Fantastic against ships and players alike, this fighting style consumes cannon balls, so make sure to have a high stock! Before purchasing the fighting style, players must prove their worth by taking on two bounties.
All Fighting Styles in Roblox Arcane Odyssey (1)
  • Iron Leg – Iron Leg can be taught to players by a mentor in Harvest Island upon completion of the mentor’s quest if their strength stat is 80+. All the player must do is destroy 10 trees using their abilities, and they’ll receive the fighting style. Iron Leg will have you using your legs to kick and push back enemies with strong and powerful attacks.
  • Sailor Fist – Sailor Fist can be taught to players by a mentor in Shell Island upon completion of the mentor’s quest if their strength stat is 100+. The mentor will require the player to defeat 3 sharks before teaching it. Sailor Fist resembles drunken boxing, and requires energy gained from seawater to unleash its devastating power. You must dunk your head below the sea to recharge your energy, but the power output is worth it.
  • Thermo Fist – Thermo Fist can be taught to players by a mentor in Ravenna for 300 galleons if their strength stat is 100+. Players must complete a quest first, however, which involves hunting for buried treasure on a nearby cliff. Thermo Fist is a fighting style that will ramp up as you work up your character. The more you punch, the more energy you will channel, allowing you to cause high damage and even inflict burns.

Lost fighting styles in Arcane Odyssey

Learning these lost fighting styles is not yet common knowledge, but we do know a little about them.

  • Impact Fist – Impact Fist is a fighting style that revolves around charging and holding power, to release it all in powerful attacks. This will likely be a slower fighting style that rewards you with high damage if you utilize it correctly.
  • Vampirism – Vampirism is an interesting fighting style that will essentially turn you into a vampire. During the day, your temperature will increase, slowing your down. During combat however, you’ll be granted with strong punches that heal you as you absorb your opponent’s life essence. Additionally, your hits will inflict bleed.
  • Radius Fist – Radius Fist will likely be a draining and intense fighting style to utilize, but will reward the player with shockwaves that protrude from their fists. Not only being a reliable and strong fighting style, you’ll be able to reach players from higher ranges, allowing you a huge advantage.

We hope you enjoyed our Arcane Odyssey guide. You can head on over to our Facebook page to keep up with the latest of video game content. You may also be interested in our other Arcane Odyssey content, such as how to use treasure charts, or how to unlock all awakenings.

All Fighting Styles in Roblox Arcane Odyssey (2025)


How many fighting styles can you learn in Arcane Odyssey? ›

Depending on their chosen Stat Build, a player will be able to learn up to 3 Fighting Styles maximum by achieving Awakenings. However, if a player achieves an Awakening that isn't relevant to Strength, they will forget their Fighting Style in favor of the other type of Stat Build they've chosen.

What is the strongest fighting style in Arcane Odyssey? ›

1 Thermo Fist

There's a reason Thermo Fist stands as the best fighting style in Roblox Arcane Odyssey. Or rather, a bunch of reasons. Firstly, Thermo Fist is the only fighting style that amps up in power the more combos you hit.

Can you replace fighting style in Arcane Odyssey? ›

Yes. You are able to switch fighting styles. But you will have to pay for each time you want to switch fighting styles.

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Gold chests are the rarest variant of treasure chests, which rarely spawn in place of silver and common chests. When found, they will always give 3 items, with the possibility of galleons as well. They have a 1 in 5 chance to give an ingredient.

What is the max level in Arcane Odyssey? ›

For each level gained, the player gains an additional 7 base health, 2 stamina and 2 skill points to allocate to their Stats, up to a maximum of Level 140. Although the level cap for players is 140, many NPCs have a higher level.

Is lightning the best magic in Arcane Odyssey? ›

With 7 clash advantages and 4 clash disadvantages, Lightning wins clashes against solid magics as well as Light and Shadow, but loses clashes against liquid magics, along with some heavy magics.

Who is the king boss in Arcane Odyssey? ›

King Calvus is one of the most (relatively) difficult bosses currently in Arcane Odyssey, with 4,500 Health and two phases. Calvus has access to a moveset that affords him with significant mobility, massive AOEs, and high damage.

What magic does the most damage in Arcane Odyssey? ›

Poison: Highest overall damage including Status Effect, applies Poisoned. Metal: Highest base damage, applies Bleeding.

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Sunken Sword

Is Crystal good Arcane Odyssey? ›

With 14 clash advantages, 2 neutral clashes and 3 clash disadvantages, Crystal wins most clashes by at least a margin. However, it loses to heavier and more destructive magics, namely Earth, Metal, and Explosion.

What's the best weapon in Arcane Odyssey? ›

Noble Thunderspear, Stormcaller, and Scimitars of Storm are three of the most unique and powerful weapons in Arcane Odyssey. But before you can wield these legendary weapons, you'll need to challenge a story boss. To obtain these sought-after items, you'll have to take down Lord Elius.

What is the fastest fighting style in Arcane Odyssey? ›

Thermo Fist is the fastest fighting style, with a 1.3x speed multiplier at max heat. It deals 0.775x damage and at 50% or more heat applies Seared. It is also one of the smallest fighting styles available, with a size of 0.85x.

How to get cannon fighting style in Arcane Odyssey? ›

Cannon Fist is a common fighting style that can be learned at Palo Town. To get the style, you must first complete the quest Cannon Fist Training, which can be obtained by Dennis Harvey in Palo Town, and then pay 300 galleons as long as you have 80+ stat points in Strength.

How to master fighting styles in Arcane Odyssey? ›

Fastest way to level up Mastery is to just play the game. Get it done as you progress the story. For some reason Apprentice takes forever, and everything after that is honestly just about instant. Damage bosses and NPCs with techniques and basic attacks and you'll get it eventually.

How do you get multiple magic types in Arcane Odyssey? ›

By investing more into the Magic stat, players may unlock more spell types.

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You can hold two arcane focus and cast a spell but you only get the benefits of one focus because one of them is "used" to cast the spell. Effects from multiple sources don't stack if they are from the same type of source; and you can only use one focus at a time anyway.

How do you get boxing fighting style in arcane odyssey? ›

Boxing is a Fighting Style found on Goso Jungle. It utilizes boxing gloves to enhance the knockback of its basic attacks, allowing for less punish opportunities. It has a requirement of 30 Strength, and costs 200 Galleons to learn.

What is the best weapon in Arcane Odyssey Roblox? ›

Noble Thunderspear, Stormcaller, and Scimitars of Storm are three of the most unique and powerful weapons in Arcane Odyssey. But before you can wield these legendary weapons, you'll need to challenge a story boss. To obtain these sought-after items, you'll have to take down Lord Elius.


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